Oh my gosh! I am in shock! I just won
Melonheads adopt a classroom. I entered Nikki's contest mainly because teaching in an independent school means not only lower salary but also missing opportunities such as Donors Choose. Nikki came to the rescue. She is generously donating funds to help me buy things my students can use all year and for years to come. And guess what? I also get to choose $50 of
Melonheads clip art from her store! Can you hear me singing "Oh happy day"?
We get to correspond back and forth all year. I'll keep you informed of the marvelous things we do. I have been involved in intensive teacher training all week and working in my classroom. I'll post pics of the big reveal soon.
Yay!!! That is big news! I can't wait to hear about the things that you two do for your class :) I finally got into my classroom for a couple of hours this week. It's fun to see the ideas in my head turning into reality. I'll post picture on my blog when its done. I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures!