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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Getting Ready!

I love the thrill, and yes, even the pressure of getting ready for a new school year. Here are a few pics of my classroom right before students come. 
These are our 4 code of conduct rules. I also have clocks showing times across the world just so we are more globally aware.

I have a really small whiteboard so it looks really crowded but it works for us. We are changing our handwriting program to Handwriting Without Tears hence the new alphabet. We will change it to the cursive one in January.

Our cubbies with book boxes, notebooks, and writing tubs
Door pockets (really a shoe bag) for homework and notes home
Here is a shot of our room library - my favorite spot!
My hubs made this cool magazine rack for me:)
Computer corner
Future iPad station- we are going one to one this year. Saw this storage idea on, where else, Pintrest!
Welcome class:)
A shot across the room
Another angle
Nature trays and puzzle table
That about covers it. Next post will have my precious class!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Super Summer!

I spent most of the summer "teaching" summer camps at my school. I use the word" teaching" loosely as I had as much fun as the kids! The science teacher and I did several one week camps together. Our first one was a Make it Take it  - a creative invent your own project thing. Let me just say that lots of duct tape was involved it that one! We even may have done a few Rube Goldberg contraptions.

Then there was Myth Busters Camp. We either confirmed or busted a bunch of myths like can you really use toilet paper to break out of jail?
Uh, nope! But it was fun trying! The old egg drop was a favorite too.
There really is an egg in that thing he's holding! The next camp was Critter Camp - my personal favorite. We had birds of prey day, insects and worms day, rescue animal day, and reptile day.

Here's my favorite: I had never seen a flying squirrel up close and personal. Sable is her name and her two back legs were paralyzed. She lives at our local Wildlife Center.
Here is Miss Slither - a beautifully patterned corn snake - I stood on a chair to get this shot - I was NOT getting any closer!!! And yes, she is eating a frozen mouse!!! All the kids thought it was the coolest thing they had ever seen. I guess it really was- where else would they ever get to experience that?
Moving on! We did get to go to the beach for a week this summer for some get down R&R time. I must have read 10 books! Love, love. We also got to see this scene every morning. I do love me some beach time.